Announcing our New General Manager!

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I bring you very exciting news!

We are pleased to announce that our interim general manager, Jessica Bosworth, who has done a wonderful job leading us through this recent transition, has stepped up and accepted our offer for the position of General Manager. Jessica brings years of grocery, leadership and management skills to the table and has already rolled up her sleeves ready to lead.

It was clear when we announced our decision to the store managers and staff on Tuesday that Jessica receives tremendous respect from her team. The applause and energy in the store after our announcement was energetic, genuine and inspiring.

Jessica will also be the first woman to lead our Berkshire Food Co-op as GM. It is about time.

I would like to extend enormous gratitude to my fellow board members who met quite often over these last several weeks as we explored the future of our leadership. We came together as one voice wishing to hire talent from within, recognizing that Jessica knows our culture, our ownership and greater Berkshire community. She is eager to empower her team, help us to grow responsibly, and make sure we are achieving our organizational ends.

Next time you stop in for a delicious hot bar lunch or dinner, a relaxing smoothie from the café or your regular shop, be sure to wish Jessica well.

Thank you for all of your support.


Phyllis Webb

BFC Board President