This Mom Shares Genius Snack Hacks

Like most parents when lockdown started , I optimistically made a color coded school calendar and coordinated a healthy meal schedule. That went out the window about 13 minutes later. The task of feeding 2 kids 3 times a day (one of whom was used to yummy school-made food) became overwhelming. Thankfully I work at the Berkshire Food Co-op which provides many options I feel good about serving to my kids, and that they love. Even now, a year later, we still have “mom school” on Wednesdays which is my daughter’s remote day. For these days we often switch between Applegate Organics chicken nuggets and Annie’s Mac and Cheese. Applegate’s nuggets cook up nice and crispy in the toaster, and if we are in a hurry, they can also be microwaved. They even come gluten free! I have always loved Annie’s Mac and Cheese, especially the low-sodium variety. My kids get a treat without the added salt. For a side dish, I turn to frozen veggies—my favorite are the kind that can be steamed in the microwave. The leftovers last the week and are great for lunches in a pinch. My kids also LOVE raw veggies. Luckily for me the Co-op has a splendid produce section (my 7 year old says "it’s gorgeous Mommy”). My go-tos are red peppers, cucumbers, and celery which can also be used for snacks (more on that later). Another quick hack is using leftovers. We make rice and beans just about every week and EVERYONE in the family loves them. I mix Field Day’s ranchero beans, Field Day’s chickpeas, Eco Jasmine rice from the bulk section, Cabot shredded Seriously Sharp cheddar, homemade taco seasoning, and corn. For lunch the next day, we stuff the leftovers and some Green Mountain Gringo salsa in one of Maria Ricardo's Mucho Goodness tortillas and BOOM! Lunch for my kids and me!

Snacks . Every parent everywhere is familiar with the cringe worthy phrase “Mommy, can I have a snack?” Fortunately, the Co-op is replete with healthy goodness that makes my kiddos (and me) smile. Vegan Rob’s Beet Puffs and Brussels Sprout Puffs are a HUGE hit (when I don’t eat them all first). The Co-op also has a wide variety of Kind Bars which are good for at-home snacking and are perfect to throw in a backpack now that in-person learning has returned. Sometimes we get fancy and slice up some BFC House-Made Mozzarella to accompany our daily cracker intake. A ball of that cheesy deliciousness rarely lasts the day in our home! To balance things out, I like to add a fruit or veggie to our daily “snicker snacker”. The Co-op has value bags of apples that my kids just eat right up! I like to buy the rainbow carrots as a fun addition and there are always the beloved baby carrots. Seasonally fresh local berries are an exciting addition, as are local apples in the fall. Filling the kids plate with fruits and veggies mixed with one or two “treat foods” (puffs, cheese, nuts, etc) encourages eating more of the healthy stuff, meaning fuller tummies and less requests for “another snack”. If nothing else, lockdown has taught me how to be creative and flexible. Feeding kids can be fun, especially when you shop the great selection at the Co-op


Jessy Turner is the Co - op's Program Coordinator, and a mom to a precocious 7-year-old and an adventurous 2.5-year-old. She prides herself in the community work she does with us and her valuable creativity when it comes to feeding the people around her.