5 Games You can Play Outside!


When I was a kid, my friends and I would make up games during elementary school recess that were so fun we NEVER wanted to go inside. These aren’t those games (I can’t remember the rules!), but THESE GAMES are super simple and perfect for the crew of kids in your life! These games can be scaled up or down to accommodate different ages or group sizes. But who are we kidding? The more the merrier!  Feel free to change the rules. Feel even free-er to let the kids change the rules! There’s only one rule you must obey... Have fun!!


This one’s for the pool! Everybody stands at the edge of the pool with their backs to the water. Pick someone to put a frisbee in the pool, wherever they want. When they get out of the pool, count to three! On three, the other kids turn and jump in the pool! First one to grab the frisbee and get it out of the pool wins! The winner gets to place it for the next round. More experienced swimmers want to play? Use something that will sink to the bottom for some fun that’s off the deep end! 

Run & Scream

Everybody lines up next to each other! Spread your arms out and make sure you can’t touch your friends so you each have plenty of room. Now, take a really big breath. As much air as you can breathe! On the count of three, start screaming and run in a straight line. Run until you run out of breath and then STOP! You have to stop running when you stop screaming. Who got the farthest? Was there a tie? Want to try again? Yeah! Let’s do it again!


This game is for two people at a time, but everyone else can cheer them on! Ok. Stand facing each other and put your hands out to meet the other players’, like two high fives. Really plant your feet so you have a steady stance. On the count of three, PUSH! Try to push your friend back, so they move their feet. Whoever can stand their ground wins, and another player steps up to challenge the champ. 


Everyone knows how to play hide and seek, right? What if you play it backwards?! Pick someone to be the first sardine. That person is going to find the best hiding spot they can while everyone else stands in a circle with their eyes closed and counts to 10. Then, they scatter to search for the first sardine! When you find them, you’re a sardine too! Join them in their hiding spot and wait. When the next player finds the two sardines, they also squeeze into the hiding spot. The real challenge is to fit EVERYONE in the same hiding spot and keep quiet enough that you don’t give yourselves away. Last player to find the sardines gets to be the first sardine on the next round.

Steal the Bacon

Split into two equal-sized teams. Each team counts off so everyone has a number. Remember your number! There should be two players (one from each team) with matching numbers. Line the teams up facing each other with some distance between them. Put something in the middle – a shoe, a squishy ball, a frisbee, anything easy to grab - that’s the bacon! Call out a number and those two players race to the middle to steal the bacon. Be quick! Whichever team gets the bacon scores a point!
