From the Editor | Spring 2019

Of all spring flowers, I particularly love the snowdrop for its unfailing courage. Tiny and apparently delicate, it's the first of the spring flowers to brave the cold and offer up the hope of spring. Year after year, the snowdrop defies reason and somehow breaks through icy soil to be first on the scene to celebrate the changing of the season.

It's not easy being brave. It's especially not easy to break new ground, do the unexpected and attempt a thing no matter how challenging it's going to be.

Berkshire Food Co-op's expansion project has offered up many of the challenges that come with traversing unknown territory. And yet, like the snowdrop, we (all of us—leadership, staff, community) have persisted to push through the snow and ice (and noise and mud and dust) to offer hope for a brighter tomorrow. 

Much like winter, the end is nearly here! Or rather, just like spring, the beginning is nearly here! Without a doubt, the snowdrop will appear before we open the doors of the new store, but it won't beat us by much!

In the meantime, we offer up the spring issue of The Scoop. Here, we celebrate the Earth, we welcome renewal and we look forward to getting our hands dirty. 

If your green thumb is itching, we suggest a little garden planning or better yet, planting a terrarium that will keep your indoor spaces green year round! We talk about some of the environmental challenges we, as a society face and some of the solutions we, as individuals can be a part of—whether it's outfitting your home with reusables, or rethinking the next purchase that contains plastic—incremental change matters and we hope you feel empowered to be a part of the solution!
