November Featured Artist - Margherita Lamanno


Margherita is a Sheffield native and the mother of two daughters, who loves to capture moments with her camera. She is also a licensed esthetician, breastfeeding advocative and seeker of adventure and joy. She embraced photography as a young girl and pursued her love of the camera while in her teens by working with mentors Steve and Tony from the Snap Shop. During her employment there, she was encouraged to learn about all aspects of photography.

In 2014, she joined the Public Breastfeeding Awareness Project to support mothers and babies and to advocate for normalizing breastfeeding, along with 70 other photographers worldwide, through their photographic images.

Margherita describes herself as a lifestyle photographer who specializes in portraits, children, families, pets, pregnancy, breastfeeding, events and nature.  This show is dedicated to her loving mother, Barbara, who died in 2107. She is grateful for the encouragement her mother gave her to always follow her interests.

Inquiries may be made by contacting Margherita at

You can follow Margherita on Faceboook.

Interested in showing your work in our cafe gallery? Apply here!
