
The election began on October 10th. You can cast your vote until 8pm on October 20th, after our Annual Meeting.

Once again, Berkshire Food Co-op is using Simply Voting, a web-based online voting system, as well as paper ballots for those who need to vote in person.


When the election begins, all Owners with a valid email address on file will receive an email with a unique, secure link they can click to visit our election website ( and cast their vote.

Owners who do not have a valid email address on file can cast their vote in the following ways:

  • vote at the election table in the store;

  • update your email information to receive a direct link to vote via email;

  • vote at Annual Meeting.

Ballots cast in person will be entered into the online system at the end of each day. Owners may only choose one voting method. If an Owner votes more than once, the ballot received first will be counted and any other will not be counted.

If you would like to vote online but haven’t received your unique link, please fill out this form:


Closing the Election

Election results will be viewed and published shortly after the election ends. Certified results are downloaded into a pdf file with the entire summary of the election. Anyone will be able to view the results summary and verify the results by downloading a file containing votes and receipt numbers (by Owner ID).

Election Audit Trail

The online voting system tracks all voting activity. Every single vote is identified by Owner number and includes information about how the vote was cast along with an ip address and date/timestamp. 

The Election Log is an audit trail of all significant activity related to the Election and is often used for auditing purposes.