Hey, Owners!
Join us for an unforgettable evening of delightful conversation, exciting Co-op updates, and an array of mouthwatering foods at a charming, historic local venue. This year's Annual Meeting of Owners promises to be a truly memorable event where you can connect with fellow Co-op Owners, hear about the latest developments in our thriving community, and indulge in the delectable flavors our talented staff have prepared just for you.
Attendees will receive a free limited edition Berkshire Food Co-op hat!
Guthrie Center
2 Van Deusenville Rd, Housatonic, MA 01236
Friday, October 20th
Hear From:
Jessica Bosworth, General Manager
Phyllis Webb, Board President
Board of Directors Candidates
Leah Holzel
Warren Kerper
Jane McDonough
Katarina Samora
Featuring live music from Sam McGarrity, and food from all departments of the Berkshire Food Co-op
Schedule of Events:
5:00 - Doors open, food is available
5:30 - Meeting begins
7:00 - Meeting ends, in-person voting begins
7:30 - In-person voting period ends, event ends